Why is it worth converting to CNG?

5 reasons to go green with CNG.



Engines running on CNG produce less hydrocarbon exhaust emissions than gasoline-fueled engines. In fact, compared to cars fueled by gasoline or diesel, natural gas vehicles produce 70% less carbon monoxide (CO), 87% less non-methane organic gas (NMOG), 87% less nitrogen oxide (NOx) and 20% less carbon dioxide (CO2). And although natural gas vehicles do emit methane, one of the principal greenhouse gases, the methane emission is offset by the significant reduction in CO2 emissions.



CNG is stored in spherical or cylindrical compressed natural gas tanks (CNG Tanks) that are much stronger than gasoline fuel tanks. In case of an accident, CNG will dissipate into the atmosphere unlike gasoline, which pools in the ground and becomes a dangerous fire hazard. CNG also has a narrower range of flammability, which means that natural gas will not burn in concentrations in air that is below 5% and above 15%. In addition, natural gas is not toxic or corrosive. And because any leaks dissipate into the atmosphere instead of the ground, CNG will not contaminate ground water.



Since natural gas is 90% methane, it has a substantially higher octane rating compared to gasoline. This allows for higher compression ratios that make the engines running on CNG significantly more efficient. Also, because CNG is a clean-burning fuel, it causes less wear and tear on the engine. This results to longer engine life and more savings from maintenance costs such as tune-ups and oil / spark plug changes.



Natural gas costs significantly less than either petrol or diesel. In fact, CNG is available at a third of the price of gasoline on average. Also, the prices of natural gas are less volatile compared to oil prices. This stability makes long term cost planning easier. Reduction in engine wear and tear due to the clean burning characteristic of natural gas also helps CNG car owners save up on expensive tune-ups, parts replacements and oil changes.



India has an abundant supply of natural gas. There is also an extensive, well-established network of gas pipelines distributing natural gas to several states in the country. Also, there are now more than 40 CNG fueling stations across Bengaluru with more being built everyday. This makes CNG use convenient as CNG car owners have easy access to natural gas fueling stations.